Launched in 2018, Worldwide Napier is Edinburgh Napier University's foreign languages magazine, designed by its language students to encourage language studies. For its fourth issue led by Sylvain Blanche, the magazine is looking for contributions in French, German, and Spanish on the topic of 'Language[s] Now'. It welcomes articles from secondary school students, FE colleges or other HE universities on any of the following:
- Language and violence
- Language and gender
- Language and disability
- Language and truth
- Access to (Modern Foreign) Languages learning now and in the future
- Languages and social inclusion
- Digital methods in relation to (Modern Foreign) Languages
- Language policies
- Languages in times of crisis
The issue will publish in December and will be available in digital and hard copy format, distributed for free in Scottish schools, Edinburgh cafes and cultural institutions.
Previous issues can be found here:
To download the full cfp, please click here. For further information please write to Sylvain Blanche s.blanche@napier.ac.uk.