Language Transitions works with Routes into Languages on their Summer Schools programme. These summer schools include Language and Culture for Year 10 students, and Languages and Law for Year 12 students. These are week long summer schools in late June and early July each year delivered by university staff and supported by Routes Student Ambassadors. A group of 30 school students from schools across London attend, visiting a different partner London university and working across a range of languages each day. The summer schools complement school curricula, extend linguistic skills and cultural knowledge, and develop confidence in learning and in communication.
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- Working with School Students Expand/Collapse submenu
Language Acts and Worldmaking Debates: Traversing Traditions, Opening Opportunities
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- 2017/18 Debate 1: Language Education Activism
- 2017/18 Debate 2: Modern Languages—A Discipline (Still) in Search of an Identity?
- 2017/18 Debate 3: Should Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Teaching be Aligned and How?
- 2017/18 Debate 4: Has the Digital World Revolutionised Language Pedagogy?
- 2017/18 Debate 5: Interculturality and Creativity in Language Education
- 2018/19 Debate 1: Communicating Emotions in a Foreign Language
- 2018/19 Debate 2: Gender Action
- 2018/19 Debate 3: Collaboration in Languages in HE - Towards New Models?
- 2018/19 Debate 4: Linguistics in MFL A-Levels Project
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