A celebratory screening of the films made as part of the first Deptford Storytelling Project, a community film-making project which celebrates Deptford. Come along to explore Deptford's rich history and vibrant and diverse community.
There will be two screenings of the ten short 5-minute films made by workshop participants over the past eight weeks.
Screening One - PUBLIC
Doors open: 12.00 pm
Films start: 12.30 pm
If you would like to come along, please email Lucy at lucyr.deptcine@gmail.com to reserve a place.
Screening Two – INVITE ONLY
Doors open: 2.00 pm
Films start: 2.30 pm
Friends and Family Celebratory Screening for Filmmakers. Followed by snacks and celebrations!
Deptford Storytelling Project is funded by Language Acts and Worldmaking. It is run in partnership with Deptford Cinema, Goldsmiths, University of London and the Albany. To learn more about the project, please contact the Project Directors, Jim Anderson, Vicky Macleroy and Lucy Rogers, at v.macleroy@gold.ac.uk.