Theme 3: Transcultural and translingual approaches to digital study

Sender Dovchin
Dr Sender Dovchin
Dr. Sender Dovchin is a Senior Research Fellow at the School of Education, Curtin University. She is a Discovery Early Career Research Fellow (DECRA) awarded by an Australian Research Council. Previously, she was an Associate Professor at the University of Aizu, Japan. She has authored numerous articles in international top-tier peer-reviewed journals. Her single-authored monograph ‘Language, Media and Globalization in the Periphery’ was published in 2018 by Routledge. Her co-authored research monograph with Alastair Pennycook and Shaila Sultana, ‘Popular Culture, Voice, and Linguistic Diversity: Young Adults On- and Offline’ was published in 2017 by Palgrave-Macmillan.

Emanuela Patti
Emanuela Patti
Emanuela Patti (MA UCL, PhD University of Birmingham) is a Senior Researcher in critical media studies and digital cultures at Royal Holloway. She is the author of Pasolini After Dante: the ‘Divine Mimesis’ and the Politics of Representation (Legenda, 2016), as well as the co-edited book Transmedia: Storia, memoria e narrazioni attraverso i media (Mimesis, 2014) and the edited book La nuova gioventù? L’eredità intellettuale di Pier Paolo Pasolini (Joker, 2009). In 2016 she edited two special issues on experimental narratives from the avant-gardes to the digital age: Experimental Narratives: From the Novel to Digital Storytelling, a special issue of the Journal of Comparative Critical Studies, 13.3 and Reading Practices in Experimental Narratives: A Comparative Perspective from Print to Digital Fiction in Modern Languages, a special issue of the Journal of Romance Studies, 16.1.

Tatiana Bogachenko
Dr Tatiana Bogachenko
Dr Tatiana Bogachenko is a Research Officer at Curtin University, Australia. Her research interests include second and foreign language teaching, educational change, equity in education, and educational technology. The overarching goal of her research is to facilitate positive educational practices and better opportunities for underprivileged and challenged communities around the world.

Julian Chen
Julian Chen
Julian is a Senior Lecturer of Applied Linguistics/TESOL in the School of Education at Curtin University, Western Australia. Well-versed in mixed-methods design and qualitative/ethnographic research, Julian has conducted studies related to technology-mediated task-based language teaching, 3D multi-user virtual environments, participatory action research, and blended learning. He has led multiple grant projects to establish interdisciplinary connections across applied linguistics, education, and STEM. His work has appeared in high-impact, flagship journals, such as TESOL Quarterly, System, Modern Language Journal, Language Teaching Research, Computers & Education, ReCALL, Computer Assisted Language Learning, and among other scholarly journals.

Nayana Dhavan
Nayana Dhavan
Nayana Dhavan is a PhD candidate in Digital Humanities at King’s College London where her doctoral work focuses on how young people in India are using social media for locating their aspirations and sense of self as they enter adulthood.

Toni Dobinson
Associate Professor Toni Dobinson
Associate Professor Toni Dobinson coordinates and teaches the Post Graduate Programmes in Applied Linguistics at Curtin University. She researches and publishes in the areas of language teacher education, language and identity, language and social justice and translingual practices. She is the co-editor of the book, Literacy Unbound: Multiliterate, multilingual, multimodal.

Qian Gong
Dr Qian Gong
Dr Qian Gong is a Senior lecturer in the School of Education, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. She is the coordinator of Curtin’s Chinese language major. She has extensive teaching experience in Chinese as a Foreign Language and has published in Chinese media and culture as well as language policy, multilingualism and second language acquisition in high ranking journals. Her monograph Red Classics in Post-Mao China: TV Drama as Popular Media (Rowan and Littlefield International) is forthcoming.

Saskia Huc-Hepher
Dr Saskia Huc-Hepher
Dr Saskia Huc-Hepher is Senior Lecturer in French Studies at the University of Westminster. Her research focuses on London’s French diaspora, in on-land and on-line contexts. She is curator of the London French Special Collection (UK Web Archive, British Library) and her monograph will be published in 2021 (Manchester University Press).

Paul Mercieca
Dr Paul Mercieca
Dr Paul Mercieca is a Senior Lecturer at Curtin University, Australia where he teaches and supervises postgraduate students. His research interests are translanguaging and critical literacy. His book To the Ends of the Earth: Northern Soul and Southern Nights in Western Australia explores cultural identity, cultural literacy and popular culture.

Mila Milani
Mila Milani
Mila Milani is Associate Professor at the University of Warwick and current lead of Translation and Transcultural Studies in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures. Her research specialism is sociology of translation intertwined with cultural history, particularly Italian post-WWII History of Publishing and Intellectual History.

Shaila Sultana
Shaila Sultana
Dr Shaila Sultana, Professor, Department of English Language, Institute of Modern Languages, University of Dhaka, has been educated at Jahangirnagar University (Dhaka), Monash University (Melbourne), King’s College (London), and University of Technology Sydney (UTS, Sydney). She has authored articles in renowned international applied linguistics journals, such as Linguistics and Education, International Multilingual Research Journal, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Journal of Asia Pacific Communication, Asian Englishes, Translanguaging and Translation in Multilingual Contexts, International Journal of Multilingualism, and Journal of Sociolinguistics. Her co-authored book titled Popular Culture, Voice and Linguistic Diversity: Young Adults On- and Offline has recently been published from Macmillan, Palgrave (UK). A chapter titled ‘Gender performativity in virtual space: Transglossic language practices of young women in Bangladesh’ and ‘Linguistic and multi-modal resources within the local-global interface of the virtual space: Critically aware youths in Bangladesh’ have also been published in Language and Culture on the Margins: Global/ Local Interactions and Critical Inquiries in the Studies of Sociolinguistics of Globalization from Routledge Critical Studies in Multilingualism (UK) and Multilingual Matters (USA) respectively. She is the Chief Editor of Routledge Handbook of English Language Education in Bangladesh (in press.).

Ana Tankosić
Ana Tankosić
Ana Tankosić is a current PhD student at School of Education, Curtin University where she does research in linguistic racism, language policy, cultural identity, and sociolinguistics of globalisation in the peripheral societies. She is a Fulbright alumna as she worked as a Fulbright Visiting Student Researcher at Pennsylvania State University where she completed her research about national, ethnic, and language identities in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.